Support DataFest

ASA DataFestTM at University of Edinburgh cannot run without your support!

There are three ways you can support ASA DataFestTM as either an individual or a business:

  • Please consider visiting as a Visiting Consultant. Spend an hour or two getting to know the students and offering your sage advice. This is an excellent recruiting opportunity; you get to watch students working in teams, under pressure, striving to understand possibly the most complex data set they have encountered. In fact, each year, several students have received internships and interviews that have led to full-time employment. Success at DataFest requires that a team have a combination of computational, statistical, and human skills, as well as the ability to communicate clearly and extremely concisely. Click here to sign up as a visiting consultant for DataFest 2020.

  • Please consider a financial contribution and, in particular, asking your employer to contribute. We are seeking to raise £10,000 to cover food and facility expenses. Not sure how much to contribute? See below for our sponsorship levels. For questions, please contact Dr. Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, faculty coordinator, at Funds transfer information is below:

    Account Name University of Edinburgh No. 1 a/c
    Bank Name The Royal Bank of Scotland
    Bank Address 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2YB
    Sort Code 83-06-08
    Account Number 11657519
    IBAN IBAN GB98 RBOS 8306 0811 6575 19
    Reference Maths - DataFest
  • Swag. Pens, thumb drives, notepads. The students love these and they help make the event fun. If we get something special, we can give it away in a "midnight raffle"" to help keep the energy level high. Please contact


We welcome professionals who work in data-related fields, as well as academics and researchers, to join us as VIP Consultants. We will provide you with some information about the data challenge before your arrival. Once you arrive, we hope you’ll enjoy wandering the room and dispensing wisdom and advice. You’ll also find that ASA DataFestTM is a great place to scout future talent! Where else can you observe students working with a team on a real problem under intense deadline pressure?

Visiting ASA DataFestTM will be fun and relaxing, as we strive to keep the mood light. However, if you do sign up for a time, please notify us if you must make any changes or if you cannot come. Students often pay attention to when people from particular companies visit, and we also must ensure the number of people in the hall does not exceed the capacity.


We welcome financial donations from individuals and businesses. Donations are used to provide food, prizes, and supplies.

Your financial support benefits the ASA DataFestTM @ University of Edinburgh, and specifically the students that participate in the event. Any residual funds will be used towards promoting and planning the event for the following year.

Sponsors will be provided with various advertising and recruiting opportunities. But equally important is your time! Please consider visiting us as a "VIP Consultant". Drop by for a couple of hours and talk to the teams to point them in the right direction. It's a wonderful recruiting opportunity and lots of fun, too. We ask that visitors sign up for a time slot so that we'll know when to expect you, but we won't hold you to it.

While we are happy to receive support at any level, the following structure might help you and your organisation decide on amount of support.

  • Cauchy Sponsor - £5000

    • Private Event (ex. Networking, Tech Talk, or Info Session) with students participating in the event
    • Company Table at ASA DataFest Event
    • Access to Resume Book
    • Large logo prominently placed on all banners
    • Logo prominently placed on ASA Datafest poster
    • Large logo and link on ASA DataFest website
    • Short company profile and link on ASA DataFest social media (FB, Twitter, etc.)
    • Company name displayed in ASA DataFest headquarters during event
  • Pareto Sponsor - £2500

    • Private Event (ex. Networking, Tech Talk, or Info Session) with students participating in the event
    • Company Table at ASA DataFest Event
    • Access to Resume Book
    • Medium logo on all banners
    • Logo placed on ASA DataFest poster
    • Medium logo and link on ASA DataFest website
    • Short company profile and link on ASA DataFest social media (FB, Twitter, etc.)
    • Company name displayed in ASA DataFest headquarters during event
  • Logonormal Sponsor - £1000

    • Company Table at ASA DataFest Event
    • Access to Resume Book
    • Small logo on all banners
    • Logo placed on ASA DataFest poster
    • Small logo and link on ASA DataFest website
    • Short company profile and link on ASA DataFest social media (FB, Twitter, etc.)
    • Company name displayed in ASA DataFest headquarters during event
  • Weibull Sponsor - £500

    • Short company profile and link on ASA DataFest social media (FB, Twitter, etc.)
    • Acknowledgement on ASA DataFest website
    • Company name displayed in ASA DataFest headquarters during event
  • Individual Sponsor - £50

    • Acknowledgement on ASA DataFest website
    • ASA DataFest t-shirt

Sponsorship questions?

Please do not hesitate to contact Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, ASA DataFestTM @ University of Edinburgh coordinator, with any questions.