How do I sign up?

Go to the Sign Up tab to register. Please fill out the form fully.

You can sign up as a 4-5 (gets priority) or 2-3 person team or leave us your information to be matched with others looking for teams. Seats are limited, so register early! The registration deadline is 11th March, at 17:00.

Is there a registration fee?

No, there is no registration fee. However note that the event takes significant resources to run. So, if you sign up, we expect that you show up! If your plans change, let us know ASAP so we can make your spot available to someone else.

Who is eligible to compete?

All University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt undergraduate students are eligible.

What are the prizes?

Prizes include medals, student memberships to the American Statistical Association, and e-student memberships to the Royal Statistical Society, and books. We'll have a few other surprises as well!

What about MSc and PhD students?

We would love to have MSc and PhD students get involved as consultants during the event.

How large are the teams?

Teams can be made up of 2-5 students, but teams of 4-5 students will be given priority.

Do I have to compete in a team?

Yes, but if you don't have a team in mind, leave us your info and we'll match you with others in the same boat.

What do I need to compete?

All you need is a laptop with tools for data analysis (there is no limitation on which software you use) and enthusiasm for data.

See here for information on the university's laptop loan service. You can borrow one for the event from the library!

What are the rules of the competition?

  • All projects must be submitted by March 24, 2020 at 16:00 UK time. There is only one submission per team.
  • The data used in the project should NOT be shared in public. That rule is valid for your presentation until the all DataFest events are over (end of April roughly)
  • All interactive dashboards must be deployed online.
  • All slide decks and write ups must be submitted as a PDF document.
  • It's a competition, but a friendly one, so collaboration between teams is not only allowed but highly encouraged.

How do I submit my analysis?

Submission will be done during the event and instructions will be given.

What will I submit?

There should only be one submission per team. Each team will have 5 minutes to present their findings to the judges.All team members should take part in preparing and/or presenting your final work. You can use a slide deck of your choice and submit it as a pdf. Further details will be shared during Sunday.

Where can I get help during the competition?

Consultants will be available in the room during the event to talk to you about the data, your approach and methods, and your results.

We will also use MS Teams for communication during the competition.

What can I win?

ASA student memberships, medals, books, fame, glory, or some combination thereof!

Where else is ASA DataFestTM happening?

ASA DataFestTM is growing fast! See here for a list of all participating institutions.

If you are interested in holding ASA DataFestTM at your institution, click here to get more information on the event.

Other questions?

Please don't hesitate to contact Dr. Serveh Sharifi, Dr. Vanda Inacio or Dr. Ozan Evkaya with any questions. If you are a Heriot-Watt student, you can also contact Dr. Neil Chada.